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Become a member

Becoming a SIMUC-Member is very easy. First transfer the corresponding membership fee (see below) to one of our accounts and then send us the following information at [email protected]. We will get back to you.

For the student rate:

For transfers in Europe within the SEPA (except from Switzerland and the United Kingdom)

€ 30 (Euros), € 20/students (up to 25 years of age)
IBAN: AT72 2011 1827 8503 2600
ErsteBank - Austria

For transfers in Chile

CLP$ 30.000 (Chilean pesos), CLP$ 20.000/students (up to 25 years of age)
Cuenta Vista: 111113882949
A nombre de: Javier Party
Rut: 13.882.949-9
Banco: Tenpo Prepago S.a.
E-Mail: [email protected]

For transfers from the United Kingdom

£ 27 (British pounds), £ 18/students (up to 25 years of age)
Account number: 08340102
Beneficiary: Xavier Party
Sort code: 04-00-75

For transfers from other parts of the world

US$ 36 (U.S. dollars) or € 32 (Euros)
US$ 24/students (up to 25 years of age) or € 22/students (up to 25 years of age)
[email protected]

For other methods, please contact us at

[email protected]