The SIMUC presents Neue Streichertöne aus Chile (New String Tones from Chile) in Berlin, Germany. The concert will be performed by the Lübeck based string quartet Latin Strings. The ensemble will play pieces from 10 different Chilean composers, most of which are living and working around the world: Ricardo Álvarez (1976/UK), Gustavo Becerra-Schmidt (1925-2010), Tomás Brantmayer (1992/Chile), Sebastián Errázuriz (1975/Chile), Rodrigo Herrera (1981/Chile), Marcos Meza (1984/Germany), Juan Pablo Moreno (1984/Germany), Javier Party (1980/Austria), Andrián Pertout (1963/Australia) and Carlos Zamora (1968/UK). The repertoire of the concert offers a wide range of aesthetic stances, tonal and not tonal, minimalistic and highly complex, poetic and abstract.